When life gets in the way of your detox diet, feed your body through your largest organ - your skin.
Harness the powers of medicinal fulvic acid; a unique combination of powerful antioxidants, 70+ chelated minerals and electrolytes. These natural properties have been shown to remove heavy metals, pollutants and toxins from cells, destroy harmful free-radicals, increase nutrient absorption & help to restore chemical balance in the body.
Boost metabolism, remove lactic acid after working out, replenish lost minerals, encourage weight-loss, reduce bloating & inflammation. Also targets cellulite, eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Pack of 4 x Detox Bombs to be used in a bathtub.
Soak away your sins.
All natural ingredients designed to enhance the detoxification and healing process of the body in the comfort of your bathtub.
Feed your body all the good stuff through your largest organ; your skin! The world's first Fulvic Acid Trace Mineral bath detox bomb; a unique combination of powerful antioxidants, 70+ chelated minerals and electrolytes. These natural properties have been shown to remove heavy metals, pollutants and toxins from cells, destroy harmful free-radicals, increase nutrient absorption & help to restore chemical balance in the body.
Our bombs compliment your healthy lifestyle as they can boost metabolism, remove lactic acid after working out, replenish lost minerals, encourage weight-loss, reduce bloating & inflammation.
Also targets cellulite, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, acne and hair loss.

Spray away your day.
Eating healthy all the time can be hard work. Why not feed your body through your largest organ, your skin.
Simply spray and rub the Detox Spray in to your skin to absorb over 60 medicinal grade minerals, electrolytes and oils that pass straight in to your cells. These work to your nourish body whilst also helping to remove lactic acid, heavy metals, pollutants and chemicals from the body.
The product can be used in combination with the Detox Bomb, to enhance the detoxification process, or used separately for on the go use. Perfect for when life gets in the way of healthy habits, after working out or if you simply don’t have access to a tub.
Helps to aid sore muscles and cramps after working out, promotes a well rested sleep, helps soothe anxiety and stress, reduces inflammation and bloating, helps to removes harmful free-radicals, heavy metals and pollutants whilst also working to increase nutrient absorption from your food.
Rough Day? Spray it away.
On the go access to medicinal minerals, electrolytes and antioxidants that are absorbed through your skin.

#soakawayyoursins #lequredetox #detoxbomb